The Art of Creation : EDWARD CARPENTER.

Bampton Lectures for 1930.


La Bible.

Conduite de l'Homme d'Oraison : FR. NOUET.

Creative Understanding : COUNT HERMANN KEYSERLING.

"Education and Religion" (World Unity, October 1928) : JOHN HERMAN RANDALL.

Emergent Evolution : C. LLOYD MORGAN.

The Enduring Quest : H. A. OVERSTREET.

Essais sur le Bouddhisme Zen : DAISETZ TEITARO SUZUKI.

Evolutionary Naturalism : ROY WOOD SELLARS.

"Gifford Lectures of 1923" (World Unity, October 1928).

God and Freedom : PROF. LUIGI LUATTI.

Graces of Interior Prayer : R. P. POULAIN, S. J.

Humanism : An Essay at Definition : IRVING BABBITT.

Humanism in America : IRVING BABBITT.

Human Nature and its Remaking : WILLIAM E. HOCKING.

The Idea of the Holy : RUDOLF OTTO.

Illuminanda : W. WINSLOW HALL.

Indian Philosophy : S. RADHAKRISHNAN.

Instinct and Intuition : GEORGE BINNEY DIBBLEE.

The Kashf Al-Mahjûb : REYNOLD A. NICHOLSON.

Feuilles d'Herbe : WALT WHITMAN.


Life, Mind and Spirit : C. LLOYD MORGAN.

The Light of the Soul : ALICE A. BAILEY.

L'Homme et son devenir selon le Védanta : RENÉ GUÉNON.

The Meaning of a Liberal Education : EVERETT DEAN MARTIN.

Meister Eckhart : FRANZ PFEIFFER.

Mysteries of the Soul : RICHARD MULLER-FREIENFELS.


Mysticism and Logic : BERTRAND RUSSELL.

"The Need for a Spiritual Element in Education" (World Unity, October 1928) : RUFUS M. JONES.

The New Decalogue of Science : ALBERT EDWARD WIGGAM.

The New Reformation : MICHAEL PUPIN.


A Philosophical Study of Mysticism : CHARLES A. BENNETT.

Philosophy of Change : H. WILDON CARR.


Psychology and God : L. w. GRENSTED.

Psychology, the Science of Behaviour : WILLIAM MCDOUGALL.

Religious Perplexities : L. P. JACKS.

La Doctrine secrète : H. P. BLAVATSKY.

The Secret of the Golden Flower : RICHARD WILHELM and C. G. JUNG.

Self, Its Body and Freedom : WILLIAM ERNEST HOCKING.

A Simple Method of Raising the Soul to Contemplation : FRANCOIS MALAVAL.

The Soul : F. K. CHAPIN.

The Soul and its Mechanism : ALICE A. BAILEY.

Le Guide spirituel : MICHAEL DE MOLINOS.

The Structure of Thought : LUDWIG FISCHER.

Studies in the Psychology of the Mystics : JOSEPH MARÉCHAL, S. J.

Theosophy or Psychological Religion : MAX MULLER.

Le Grand Yogi tibétain : Milarépa : W. Y. EVANS WENTZ.

A Treatise on Cosmic Fire : ALICE A. BAILEY.

The Universe Around Us : SIR JAMES JEANS.

The Vishnu Purana.

Whither Mankind ? CHARLES A. BEARD and OTHERS